Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Agenda Item 18
Subject: 3Ts Redevelopment of the Royal Sussex County Hospital
Date of meeting: 19 October 2022
Report of: Executive Director, Governance, People & Resources
Contact Officer: Name: Giles Rossington
Tel: 01273 295514
Ward(s) affected: All
1.1 This report provides an update on the redevelopment of the Royal Sussex County Hospital (3Ts). Information on the 3Ts development, provided by University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, is included as Appendix 1.
2.1 That Committee notes the information included in this report on the progress of the 3Ts redevelopment.
3.1 The Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) is the main general hospital for Brighton & Hove residents, and for significant numbers of people living in East and West Sussex. RSCH also provides more specialist (tertiary) services across Sussex and the South East of England. The RSCH is managed by University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHSussex), which also manages hospitals in Hayward’s Heath, Worthing and Chichester.
3.2 The RSCH is located on Eastern Road in Brighton. The site consists of a variety of buildings of different ages, and it had long been recognised that some of the estate was no longer fit for purpose – particularly the buildings at the front of the hospital, some of which dated from the 1820s. A significant redevelopment of the RSCH had been mooted for a number of years, and funding was eventually secured for a major transformation of the site which began in 2016. This was a C £500 million project, funded directly by the Treasury (rather than from NHS capital funding), representing one of the most significant hospital developments in England in recent years.
3.3 The redevelopment is called ‘3Ts’: trauma, teaching and tertiary care, and the project supports ed the RSCH as a regional Major Trauma Centre, enhances undergraduate and graduate teaching capacity, and improves specialist services such as critical care, cancer care and neurosciences. However, 3Ts is not just about specialist services: the initiative will see substantial improvements to more than 40 RSCH wards and departments and will significantly enhance patient experiences of the hospital.
3.4 As the 3Ts project nears completion, the Chair has asked UHSussex to present an update on the development. Members may be particularly interested in:
· The date(s) when various aspects of 3Ts will be completed and new facilities are open to patients.
· How the 3Ts redevelopment will offer better tertiary/specialist services for people across Sussex and the South East.
· How the 3Ts development will impact on Brighton & Hove residents requiring standard acute hospital services.
· How 3Ts will help UHSussex recruit and retain a high quality workforce.
· How 3Ts will help the local health and care system manage system pressures, particularly in terms of pressures on the A&E department and on waiting times for elective procedures.
4.1 Not applicable to this report for noting.
5.1 Not applicable to this report for noting.
6.1 Members are asked to note the progress of the 3Ts development
7.1 None to this report for noting.
8.1 No legal implications have been identified.
Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date consulted 01.10.22
9.1 None directly to this report for noting. Members may be interested to explore with UHSussex how the needs of protected groups have been accounted for in terms of the design and delivery of 3Ts.
10.1 None directly to this report for noting. Members may be interested to explore with UHSussex, what the environmental impact of 3Ts is likely to be: e.g. in terms of the sustainability of new estates and how the redevelopment is supporting sustainability improvements on the wider hospital site.
Supporting Documentation
1. Information provided by UHSussex